When you purchase a laptop there are some general instructions and guidelines followed by it of how to take care of the battery and for how much time it’s better to charge the battery. Laptop battery is one of the most important component of a laptop. It should be given your attention and care if you know you want it lasting long and the lack of attention and care is the reason why many laptop owners have to replace their batteries sooner than they’d like.  It cannot be over emphasised that a laptop’s first charge is the  most important charge, the battery should be charged untilRead More →

You’ve probably heard of the Blue Screen of Death (BSOD), a common Windows error screen displayed when a system fault occurs. It represents a critical hardware issue in your computer. With it, at least your computer will tell you that there’s something wrong. But the B in BSOD doesn’t always stand for blue. The only thing worse than a blue screen of death is a black screen of death. And the only thing worse than a black screen of death is a black screen that doesn’t even throw you a bone by telling you what’s wrong. A Black Screen of Death can prove to be more difficult to resolveRead More →